Thursday, February 15, 2007

2007 Tennis Season

Hi Y'all.

Are you excited about the new year and all the tennis that you are about to play?

Are you confident that your strokes are solid?

Is your stragedy strong and your court tactics effective?

Coaches can only do so much but it is YOU who have to sacrifice and train if you really want to improve your tennis game.

The only thing that separates you from reaching your goal, whatever it is, is dedication to the task at hand....and practice.

You know, just about everyone can improve their tennis game a bit simply by practicing every chance they get. must practice correctly and efficiently to benefit from spending all that time on the courts.

Call me up and allow me the privilage of sharing with you better practice methods.

I hope that you have a GREAT new year of tennis and I especially look forward to coming to your town to help you either learn how to play the GREAT game of Tennis or help improve your game.

Coaches & parents, please feel free to call me @ 361-442-0393 if you would like to get together.

Kids, I hope that you have a GREAT season.

"See you on the Courts".

Coach Ron

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The 2006 Robstown Cotten Pickers Tennis Team

I sure had a fun time hitting with all of you. Learn the basics well so that you will have a solid tennis game and have fun playing it. Thanks Coach Marcie for inviting me over to Robstown. Posted by Picasa

See how difficult it is to Return a "Kick Serve". You need to Learn how to Do it. Posted by Picasa

Aim for any of the 7 target areas on your Opponent's side of the Court. Posted by Picasa

Remember to "High 5" and just Block the ball back for a nice Volley Posted by Picasa

Working on Volleys Posted by Picasa

Nice reach for that Volley. Posted by Picasa

Now that's a nice Volley. Posted by Picasa

Toss the ball up to about a foot from your hand then hit a smooth Serve. Posted by Picasa

Watch where your opponent is & hit the ball somewhere else. Posted by Picasa

Preparing for "Burgler Drill" Posted by Picasa

The Champion of Burgler Drill Posted by Picasa

Picking up and wrapping up another good practice session in Robstown Posted by Picasa

Excuse us Coach Ron while we "Pause & Pose" for a moment. Posted by Picasa

Nice workout - you both did well. Posted by Picasa

Playing tennis makes you smile Posted by Picasa

2006 Al Kruse Tennis Center "Beginner's" Summer Camp #2

Coach Chris & I sure had fun hitting tennis balls with all of you this Summer. Thanks Parents for "lending" us your future tennis stars for a while. Posted by Picasa

Sophia holds the Big Racquet while posing with Coach Ron and some of the other kids Posted by Picasa

Ryan with his 1st Tennis Award poses with his proud Grandpa Posted by Picasa

Katelyn with her 1st Tennis Award poses with a proud Grandpa Posted by Picasa

Captain James DeVisser of Station 3 with the Corpus Christi Fire Department talks to the kids about Engine 3 and it's "cool" equipment.

Taking a break from Tennis to talk with Sophia's Dad Posted by Picasa

Captain DeVisser & Katelyn explain how to "Stop, Drop & Roll" to the kids. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 01, 2006

2006 Al Kruse 'Bethune Day Care' Summer Camp

Just a Fantastic Group of Tennis Players. Coach Shawn & I really enjoy hitting tennis balls with all of you each week. We really want to say, "Thank You" for all of the cool and artistic letters and cards that you sent to us. That was a very nice thing to do. Everyone at the Al Kruse Tennis Center really appreciates all the time and hard work that it took for that to be done. You all did a GREAT job. Posted by Picasa

2006 Al Kruse Tennis Center "Beginner's" Summer Camp #1

What a GREAT group of kids. Coach Chris Gracey & I sure had lots of fun hitting tennis balls with all of you this year. Have a GREAT Summer. Posted by Picasa

Let's get this Party started Coach Posted by Picasa

Coach Chris has Balloons Posted by Picasa